
Alphadoc Privacy Policy
Last update: 3 July 2023

Alphadoc B.V., a company registered in The Netherlands with registered number 85680222 whose registered office is at Knopstraat 50, 3551 ET Utrecht, The Netherlands ("Alphadoc"), understands the importance of protecting and safeguarding your privacy and the security of your business data when you use our services ("Alphadoc Services").

When we refer to personal data in this Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy"), we mean any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person: an identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity (“Personal Data“). When we refer to data we mean any type of data that is stored, used and processed when using Alphadoc Services (“Data“). Personal Data is contained within Data. A reference to "Alphadoc" in this Privacy Policy has the meaning given to it in the Agreement (the “Agreement” is defined below under section A).

This Privacy Policy distinguishes between two kinds of Personal Data:

• Personal Data that we process to be able to provide you with your Alphadoc Services and for our own business purposes (“Your Personal Data”); and

• Personal Data that we process solely on your behalf as part of the Alphadoc Services (“Business Data”).

This Privacy Policy tells you under which conditions we process Personal Data and what measure we have implemented to protect Personal Data.


This Privacy Policy applies solely to Alphadoc Services offered by Alphadoc that refers to or incorporate this Privacy Policy, but excludes services that have separate privacy policies or don’t have any privacy policies. Alphadoc Services may enable you to purchase, subscribe to or use other products and online services from third parties with different privacy practices, and those other products and online services will be governed by their respective terms and conditions and policies. Furthermore, this Privacy Policy does not apply to any other services offered by other companies or individuals, including products or sites that may be displayed to you in search results, sites that may include Alphadoc Services, or other sites linked to our services. Alphadoc’s website and other public websites associated with our services and products are also governed by this Privacy Policy.


This section A applies only to the processing of Your Personal Data and not to Business Data. Alphadoc is the data controller with regard to the processing of Your Personal Data.

Your Personal Data in the Alphadoc Services
Before purchasing, registering to or using the Alphadoc Services you should read the respective agreement and terms and conditions for those Alphadoc Services (together: the "Agreement") carefully, which describe in general your and Alphadoc’s rights regarding the collection and use of Your Personal Data. In order to deliver the Alphadoc Services to you we collect, store, use and process Your Personal Data as further described in this Privacy Policy and the Agreement.

After entering into the respective Agreement for the Alphadoc Services, you can always choose not to provide Your Personal Data to Alphadoc. In this event Alphadoc can’t guarantee to perform the Alphadoc Services to you as stated in the Agreement due to the fact that you might need to provide us Your Personal Data to be able to provide you with all the different functionalities of the Alphadoc Services.

Which Data does Alphadoc collect and for what purpose is it used?

Your Personal Data is collected through multiple channels. We collect Your Personal Data when you register to the Alphadoc Services, purchase or use the Alphadoc Services and contact our support team. This may include Personal Data that has been provided to us by a reseller of the Alphadoc Services, or Personal Data that we have been provided with by your employer, for example to set up your account. Your Personal Data is classified in the following categories:

• Contact Data: When you register to the Alphadoc Services it may be required to provide us with your contact Data such as your name, email address, and telephone number. We use your contact Data to establish and fulfil our contract with you and to communicate with you, such as sending you service related messages. In addition, we may use your Contact Data to send you direct marketing communications in relation to other products and services provided by us. Where required, these will be sent where you have given your consent, or (where permissible) when you have been given an opportunity to opt out. You will be able to opt-out of electronic direct marketing by following the instructions in the respective communication.

• Communication Data: We log your IP-address, unique device-ID and may assign other electronic identifiers in order to properly deliver the Alphadoc Services or for security purposes;

• Support Data: In the event you submit a support request we may need to collect the relevant Support Data to fulfill your support request. This Support Data can consist of contact or authentication Data and chat session personalization or any other Data which we need to solve your support request. For some Services we may register usage data to assist us with your support request;

• Payment Data: To complete the financial transactions we might need you to provide us with your bank details, organizational tax ID or any other relevant Data;

• Usage Data: We may record statistical information about your use of the Alphadoc Services to enable our business and pursue our legitimate interests, in particular to improve the user experience, to identify performance issues or other service malfunctions;
• Cookies: Alphadoc uses cookies to deliver the Alphadoc Services and for other purposes detailed in the cookie policy. You can find the cookie policy on:

In addition to the purposes mentioned above, we use Your Personal Data for compliance with applicable laws and protection of Alphadoc’s legitimate business interests and legal rights, including, but not limited to, use in connection with legal claims, compliance, regulatory, investigative purposes (including disclosure of such information in connection with legal process or litigation).

Sharing and transfer of Your Personal Data

We may provide Your Personal Data to partners, suppliers and to other organisations that provide services under contract with us, for example for our customer support, to provide technical assistance, for troubleshooting purposes or to comply with legal requirements. Such third parties may include security vendors, app-center partners, help desk providers and other processors.

Your Personal Data will not be transferred to countries outside of the European Economic Area ("EEA").

Retention of Your Personal Data

Alphadoc will keep Your Personal Data for the duration of any contractual relationship you or your employer has with us, and, to the extent permitted, after the end of that relationship for as long as necessary to perform the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. Your Business Data will be kept for the periods indicated under Section B below. Laws may require Alphadoc to hold certain Personal Data for specific periods. For example, payment transactions in relation to the Alphadoc Services you use are retained for seven years based on applicable tax legislation. In other cases, Alphadoc may retain Your Personal Data for an appropriate period of seven years after any relationship with you ends to protect itself from legal claims, or to administer its business.

Your Rights in relation to Your Personal Data

You may be entitled to ask Alpadoc for a copy of Your Personal Data, to correct it, erase or restrict its processing, or to ask us to transfer some of Your Personal Data to other organisations. You may also have rights to object to some processing activities, and where we have asked for your consent to process your data, you have the right to withdraw this consent. Our commercial messages (such as our newsletters) contain unsubscribe links or similar ways to opt out from these messages.

These rights may be limited in some situations – for example, where we can demonstrate that there is a legal requirement to process your data. If you wish to exercise your rights you can contact us in writing via the contact details in this Privacy Policy.

This section B applies only to the processing of Business Data and not to Your Personal Data. You are the data controller for the processing of your Business Data. As you are controller for the processing of the Business Data, Alphadoc is not responsible for the lawfulness of the data processing we perform on your behalf. The responsibilities and liabilities for Business Data are set out in the Agreement. In case of conflict with any stipulation in the Agreement, this Section B shall prevail.

Looking into and using your Business Data

Our personnel may access your Business Data (such as customer support or consulting), only if this is necessary to operate the Alphadocs Services, to improve, to analyze or to support your use of the Alphadoc Services.

How you manage the access and use of your Business Data

The user management of the Alphadoc Services, including providing access and granting and revoking of permissions within your area of the Alphadoc Services, is your own responsibility. The Alphadoc Services may provide certain functionalities for creating and deactivating users and setting permissions to ensure support of segregation of duties. Log-in details are personal to the individual user and must not be shared with other users.

Retention, removal and retrieval of Business Data

All Business Data entered in the Alphadoc Services will be stored and retained for the duration of the Agreement. After termination of the Agreement the Business Data will be no longer accessible to you. Depending on your Alphadoc Services, your Business Data may be retained for an additional grace period. This grace period varies depending on your Alphadoc Services between 30 days and 6 months. During the grace period the contract can be re-activated without losing Business Data. After the grace period the Business Data will be permanently removed from storage. For the avoidance of doubt, we have no such retention or storage obligations in relation to any Business Data you store 'on premise' while using the Alphadoc Services.


You consent to Alphadoc hiring sub-processors to deliver (parts of) the Alphadoc Services and to process your Business Data. Such sub-processors are prohibited from using Personal Data for any other purpose than stated in the Agreement and Alphadoc contractually ensures that the sub-processors and their employees will maintain confidentiality regarding the Personal Data and will comply with the necessary instructions and security measures as determined in this Privacy Policy.

Location of Business Data

Depending on the Alphadoc Services you have requested, your Business Data may be stored on servers of our subprocessors, which are located in different datacenters. By entering into the Agreement, you consent to your Business Data being stored on the servers of our sub-processors. The datacenters/servers for storage purposes are located at: [**].

Security breaches

To protect Business Data from unauthorized access, use, modification or accidental loss and destruction, Alphadoc has taken technical and organizational measures for the security of the processing of your Business Data (see section D). Should any security breach occur that impacts Business Data you will be notified without undue delay once the breach has been determined. The term “security breach” shall be understood to mean: any breach of the security measures as set out in the header ”Security measures to protect Personal Data” in section D leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, Business Data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.

Once we notify you of any security breach we shall cooperate with you with regard to such incidents, to enable you to perform an investigation into the incident. To the extent such security breach was caused by a violation of the requirements of the Agreement and/or this Privacy Policy by us, we shall make reasonable efforts to identify and to take suitable further steps in respect of the security breach.

Any notifications pursuant to the event of a security breach shall be addressed to your contact person as stated in the Agreement.


This section tells you about the information Alphadoc may collect on this website, how the information is used, and how you can access and correct certain information that we may collect.

If you as a visitor choose to register or submit information to Alphadoc via this website (the “Site”), you agree to the use of such data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Collection of Your Personal Data

You can access many areas of our Site without submitting any personally identifiable data. You may voluntarily choose to provide Alphadoc with identifiable personal data by completing forms, sending emails, or other means as may be provided from time to time on the Site. The personally identifiable data that we would collect from you if you so choose would typically include your name and title, email address, mailing address, telephone, social media details and information about your company. In addition to information that you voluntarily submit, Alphadoc may, at its option, collect additional information about you from third party sources. Personal data collected by Alphadoc will be as reasonably necessary to fulfil your requests and to provide the most relevant, targeted offers and information from Alphadoc. All such information collected shall be referred to herein as “Personal Data”.Furthermore, Alphadoc monitors incoming and outgoing Site traffic data to help diagnose problems with its servers and to administer its Site. Alphadoc also uses this data to assemble broad demographic information about its visitors, customers, and partners in general.The following is a list of examples where you may choose to specifically and voluntarily submit Personal Data to Alphadoc through this Site, which Alphadoc may use for each purpose indicated at the time of your submission:

o Register for access to certain areas of the Site;

o Request access to demos;

o Contact us for further information about products, services, events, and programs or to submit questions or comments to Alphadoc;

o Subscribe to receive newsletters, information, alerts, offers, and other communications;

o Submit a resume and/or job application for possible employment with Alphadoc;

o Register for attendance or sponsorship at events, webinars and conferences.

Use of Your Personal Data

Alphadoc uses Personal Data submitted through the Site to provide a way for customers, partners, customer and partner prospects, and other contacts to communicate with our team. Alphadoc collects the Personal Data from you in order to establish and maintain relationships, and in order to serve you better. When appropriate, Alphadoc may also use the Personal Data separately or in combination with pre-existing information.By voluntarily submitting your Personal Data, you consent to the collection and use of your Personal Data as described in this Privacy Policy. In some circumstances, Alphadoc may share Personal Data that you voluntarily submit with trustworthy business partners. We will only use such third party business partners in order to deliver services to us or on our behalf, and they are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose.Due to the existing legal, regulatory, and security environment, Alphadoc may be required, under certain circumstances, to disclose aggregate level and/or personally identifiable data submitted to Alphadoc through the Site. Alphadoc will use reasonable efforts to limit such disclosures to the following circumstances: (i) where Alphadoc believes in good faith that it is required to do so in response to a subpoena or other legal process; (ii) where reasonably required to do so in order to maintain, update or otherwise implement Alphadoc’s data security measures, equipment, technical operations and the like; (iii) where reasonably necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against persons or entities to preserve and/or enforce Alphadoc’s rights; (iv) protect and defend the rights or property of Alphadoc; or (v) in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of the public or of users of the Alphadoc products, services, and the Site.


If you review or download information, we may track the visit through the use of "cookies". You can find the cookie policy on:

Links to other websites

This Site may contain links to websites which are owned and operated by third parties and do not operate in accordance with this Privacy Policy. When you link to other websites through this Site, this Privacy Policy no longer applies. We encourage you to review each website’s privacy policy before disclosing any personally identifiable information. Alphadoc is not responsible for the privacy practices of such third party websites.

Choices Regarding Use of Personal Information

Upon voluntarily providing your Personal Data to Alphadoc through this Site, Alphadoc will use your Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Should you at any time decide that you do not want to continue to receive electronic communications, you will have the ability to unsubscribe or “opt out” from such communications by means of a link provided in each such communication, or if not provided therein, by sending an email or contacting us at the contact details provided in this Privacy Policy.

This section D applies to the processing of all Personal Data (including both Your Personal Data and Business Data) by Alphadoc.

Support in the case of termination of the Agreement

If the Agreement is terminated, you have the possibility only for certain Alphadoc Services to download all Data up to the last day of the Agreement.

Data protection legislation

Protecting the privacy and security of Personal Data is of the highest importance to us, and we are committed to compliance with all applicable country-specific data protection laws that apply to the Alphadoc Services and processing of your Data, as agreed upon in the Agreement.

Law enforcement requests

We will not disclose Personal Data to a third party (including law enforcement, other government entities or civil litigants) except as described in this Privacy Policy and above under “Sub-processors”, as you direct us or as required by law, an ordinance, or a court order.


Alphadoc shall treat all Personal Data as strictly confidential and shall inform all its employees, agents and/or subprocessors engaged in processing the Personal Data of the confidential nature of such Personal Data. Alphadoc shall ensure that all such persons or parties are bound by similar confidentiality obligations.

Security measures to protect Personal Data

Alphadoc shall take technical and organizational measures for the security of the processing of the Personal Data. These measures shall include, but not be limited to:

1. the prevention of unauthorized persons from gaining access to data processing systems (physical access control);

2. the prevention of processing systems from being used without authorization (logical access control);

3. ensuring that persons entitled to use a data processing system gain access only to such Personal Data as they are entitled to accessing in accordance with their access rights, and that, in the course of processing or use and after storage, Personal Data cannot be read, copied, modified or deleted without authorization (Data access control);

4. ensuring that Personal Data cannot be read, copied, modified or deleted without authorization during electronic transmission, transport or storage on storage media, and that the target entities for any transfer of Personal Data by means of Personal Data transmission facilities can be established and verified (Data transfer control);

5. ensuring that measures are implemented for subsequent checking whether Personal Data have been entered, changed or removed (deleted), and by whom (input control);

6. ensuring that Personal Data are processed solely in accordance with the instructions (control of instructions);

7. ensuring that Personal Data are protected against accidental destruction or loss (availability control);

8. ensuring that Personal Data collected for different purposes can be processed separately (separation control).

The internet is in itself not a secure environment and we cannot give an absolute assurance that your Data will be secure at all times. Transferring Personal Data over the internet is at your own risk and you should only enter the Alphadoc Services or transfer Personal Data to and within the Alphadoc Services by using a secure environment. Alphadoc strongly advices you to connect to the Alphadoc Services via secure and encrypted channels.

Despite the above mentioned measures, you are solely responsible for implementing appropriate security measures for Personal Data processed when using the Alphadoc Services in accordance with data protection laws applicable to them.


We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy. Any amendments to this Privacy Policy are effective upon posting at this website and we will revise the “last updated” date at the top of this Privacy Policy. You should check this website and our customer portals frequently to see recent amendments. Your continued use of the Alphadoc Services will be deemed as acceptance of any amended Privacy Policy.


If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about how we handle the processing of Personal Data or about this Privacy Policy you can contact us via the contact details further below. Dependent of the nature of your question, concern or complaint we will provide you with an initial response within a reasonable time. We will only take your question, concern or complaint in consideration if all relevant details are included. In addition to this initial response, we will give maximum effort to investigate and attempt to resolve your question, concern or complaint within 30 business days or such longer period as is necessary and notified to you. Should you have unresolved concerns you have the right to file a complaint with your local data protection authority.

Contact Us
Name: Job Rietbergen
Title: CEO

Alphadoc B.V., a company registered in The Netherlands with registered number 85680222 whose registered office is at Knopstraat 50, 3551 ET Utrecht, The Netherlands ("Alphadoc"), understands the importance of protecting and safeguarding your privacy and the security of your business data when you use our services ("Alphadoc Services").

When we refer to personal data in this Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy"), we mean any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person: an identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity (“Personal Data“). When we refer to data we mean any type of data that is stored, used and processed when using Alphadoc Services (“Data“). Personal Data is contained within Data. A reference to "Alphadoc" in this Privacy Policy has the meaning given to it in the Agreement (the “Agreement” is defined below under section A).

This Privacy Policy distinguishes between two kinds of Personal Data:

• Personal Data that we process to be able to provide you with your Alphadoc Services and for our own business purposes (“Your Personal Data”); and

• Personal Data that we process solely on your behalf as part of the Alphadoc Services (“Business Data”).

This Privacy Policy tells you under which conditions we process Personal Data and what measure we have implemented to protect Personal Data.


This Privacy Policy applies solely to Alphadoc Services offered by Alphadoc that refers to or incorporate this Privacy Policy, but excludes services that have separate privacy policies or don’t have any privacy policies. Alphadoc Services may enable you to purchase, subscribe to or use other products and online services from third parties with different privacy practices, and those other products and online services will be governed by their respective terms and conditions and policies. Furthermore, this Privacy Policy does not apply to any other services offered by other companies or individuals, including products or sites that may be displayed to you in search results, sites that may include Alphadoc Services, or other sites linked to our services. Alphadoc’s website and other public websites associated with our services and products are also governed by this Privacy Policy.


This section A applies only to the processing of Your Personal Data and not to Business Data. Alphadoc is the data controller with regard to the processing of Your Personal Data.

Your Personal Data in the Alphadoc Services
Before purchasing, registering to or using the Alphadoc Services you should read the respective agreement and terms and conditions for those Alphadoc Services (together: the "Agreement") carefully, which describe in general your and Alphadoc’s rights regarding the collection and use of Your Personal Data. In order to deliver the Alphadoc Services to you we collect, store, use and process Your Personal Data as further described in this Privacy Policy and the Agreement.

After entering into the respective Agreement for the Alphadoc Services, you can always choose not to provide Your Personal Data to Alphadoc. In this event Alphadoc can’t guarantee to perform the Alphadoc Services to you as stated in the Agreement due to the fact that you might need to provide us Your Personal Data to be able to provide you with all the different functionalities of the Alphadoc Services.

Which Data does Alphadoc collect and for what purpose is it used?

Your Personal Data is collected through multiple channels. We collect Your Personal Data when you register to the Alphadoc Services, purchase or use the Alphadoc Services and contact our support team. This may include Personal Data that has been provided to us by a reseller of the Alphadoc Services, or Personal Data that we have been provided with by your employer, for example to set up your account. Your Personal Data is classified in the following categories:

• Contact Data: When you register to the Alphadoc Services it may be required to provide us with your contact Data such as your name, email address, and telephone number. We use your contact Data to establish and fulfil our contract with you and to communicate with you, such as sending you service related messages. In addition, we may use your Contact Data to send you direct marketing communications in relation to other products and services provided by us. Where required, these will be sent where you have given your consent, or (where permissible) when you have been given an opportunity to opt out. You will be able to opt-out of electronic direct marketing by following the instructions in the respective communication.

• Communication Data: We log your IP-address, unique device-ID and may assign other electronic identifiers in order to properly deliver the Alphadoc Services or for security purposes;

• Support Data: In the event you submit a support request we may need to collect the relevant Support Data to fulfill your support request. This Support Data can consist of contact or authentication Data and chat session personalization or any other Data which we need to solve your support request. For some Services we may register usage data to assist us with your support request;

• Payment Data: To complete the financial transactions we might need you to provide us with your bank details, organizational tax ID or any other relevant Data;

• Usage Data: We may record statistical information about your use of the Alphadoc Services to enable our business and pursue our legitimate interests, in particular to improve the user experience, to identify performance issues or other service malfunctions;
• Cookies: Alphadoc uses cookies to deliver the Alphadoc Services and for other purposes detailed in the cookie policy. You can find the cookie policy on:

In addition to the purposes mentioned above, we use Your Personal Data for compliance with applicable laws and protection of Alphadoc’s legitimate business interests and legal rights, including, but not limited to, use in connection with legal claims, compliance, regulatory, investigative purposes (including disclosure of such information in connection with legal process or litigation).

Sharing and transfer of Your Personal Data

We may provide Your Personal Data to partners, suppliers and to other organisations that provide services under contract with us, for example for our customer support, to provide technical assistance, for troubleshooting purposes or to comply with legal requirements. Such third parties may include security vendors, app-center partners, help desk providers and other processors.

Your Personal Data will not be transferred to countries outside of the European Economic Area ("EEA").

Retention of Your Personal Data

Alphadoc will keep Your Personal Data for the duration of any contractual relationship you or your employer has with us, and, to the extent permitted, after the end of that relationship for as long as necessary to perform the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. Your Business Data will be kept for the periods indicated under Section B below. Laws may require Alphadoc to hold certain Personal Data for specific periods. For example, payment transactions in relation to the Alphadoc Services you use are retained for seven years based on applicable tax legislation. In other cases, Alphadoc may retain Your Personal Data for an appropriate period of seven years after any relationship with you ends to protect itself from legal claims, or to administer its business.

Your Rights in relation to Your Personal Data

You may be entitled to ask Alpadoc for a copy of Your Personal Data, to correct it, erase or restrict its processing, or to ask us to transfer some of Your Personal Data to other organisations. You may also have rights to object to some processing activities, and where we have asked for your consent to process your data, you have the right to withdraw this consent. Our commercial messages (such as our newsletters) contain unsubscribe links or similar ways to opt out from these messages.

These rights may be limited in some situations – for example, where we can demonstrate that there is a legal requirement to process your data. If you wish to exercise your rights you can contact us in writing via the contact details in this Privacy Policy.

This section B applies only to the processing of Business Data and not to Your Personal Data. You are the data controller for the processing of your Business Data. As you are controller for the processing of the Business Data, Alphadoc is not responsible for the lawfulness of the data processing we perform on your behalf. The responsibilities and liabilities for Business Data are set out in the Agreement. In case of conflict with any stipulation in the Agreement, this Section B shall prevail.

Looking into and using your Business Data

Our personnel may access your Business Data (such as customer support or consulting), only if this is necessary to operate the Alphadocs Services, to improve, to analyze or to support your use of the Alphadoc Services.

How you manage the access and use of your Business Data

The user management of the Alphadoc Services, including providing access and granting and revoking of permissions within your area of the Alphadoc Services, is your own responsibility. The Alphadoc Services may provide certain functionalities for creating and deactivating users and setting permissions to ensure support of segregation of duties. Log-in details are personal to the individual user and must not be shared with other users.

Retention, removal and retrieval of Business Data

All Business Data entered in the Alphadoc Services will be stored and retained for the duration of the Agreement. After termination of the Agreement the Business Data will be no longer accessible to you. Depending on your Alphadoc Services, your Business Data may be retained for an additional grace period. This grace period varies depending on your Alphadoc Services between 30 days and 6 months. During the grace period the contract can be re-activated without losing Business Data. After the grace period the Business Data will be permanently removed from storage. For the avoidance of doubt, we have no such retention or storage obligations in relation to any Business Data you store 'on premise' while using the Alphadoc Services.


You consent to Alphadoc hiring sub-processors to deliver (parts of) the Alphadoc Services and to process your Business Data. Such sub-processors are prohibited from using Personal Data for any other purpose than stated in the Agreement and Alphadoc contractually ensures that the sub-processors and their employees will maintain confidentiality regarding the Personal Data and will comply with the necessary instructions and security measures as determined in this Privacy Policy.

Location of Business Data

Depending on the Alphadoc Services you have requested, your Business Data may be stored on servers of our subprocessors, which are located in different datacenters. By entering into the Agreement, you consent to your Business Data being stored on the servers of our sub-processors. The datacenters/servers for storage purposes are located at: [**].

Security breaches

To protect Business Data from unauthorized access, use, modification or accidental loss and destruction, Alphadoc has taken technical and organizational measures for the security of the processing of your Business Data (see section D). Should any security breach occur that impacts Business Data you will be notified without undue delay once the breach has been determined. The term “security breach” shall be understood to mean: any breach of the security measures as set out in the header ”Security measures to protect Personal Data” in section D leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, Business Data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.

Once we notify you of any security breach we shall cooperate with you with regard to such incidents, to enable you to perform an investigation into the incident. To the extent such security breach was caused by a violation of the requirements of the Agreement and/or this Privacy Policy by us, we shall make reasonable efforts to identify and to take suitable further steps in respect of the security breach.

Any notifications pursuant to the event of a security breach shall be addressed to your contact person as stated in the Agreement.


This section tells you about the information Alphadoc may collect on this website, how the information is used, and how you can access and correct certain information that we may collect.

If you as a visitor choose to register or submit information to Alphadoc via this website (the “Site”), you agree to the use of such data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Collection of Your Personal Data

You can access many areas of our Site without submitting any personally identifiable data. You may voluntarily choose to provide Alphadoc with identifiable personal data by completing forms, sending emails, or other means as may be provided from time to time on the Site. The personally identifiable data that we would collect from you if you so choose would typically include your name and title, email address, mailing address, telephone, social media details and information about your company. In addition to information that you voluntarily submit, Alphadoc may, at its option, collect additional information about you from third party sources. Personal data collected by Alphadoc will be as reasonably necessary to fulfil your requests and to provide the most relevant, targeted offers and information from Alphadoc. All such information collected shall be referred to herein as “Personal Data”.Furthermore, Alphadoc monitors incoming and outgoing Site traffic data to help diagnose problems with its servers and to administer its Site. Alphadoc also uses this data to assemble broad demographic information about its visitors, customers, and partners in general.The following is a list of examples where you may choose to specifically and voluntarily submit Personal Data to Alphadoc through this Site, which Alphadoc may use for each purpose indicated at the time of your submission:

o Register for access to certain areas of the Site;

o Request access to demos;

o Contact us for further information about products, services, events, and programs or to submit questions or comments to Alphadoc;

o Subscribe to receive newsletters, information, alerts, offers, and other communications;

o Submit a resume and/or job application for possible employment with Alphadoc;

o Register for attendance or sponsorship at events, webinars and conferences.

Use of Your Personal Data

Alphadoc uses Personal Data submitted through the Site to provide a way for customers, partners, customer and partner prospects, and other contacts to communicate with our team. Alphadoc collects the Personal Data from you in order to establish and maintain relationships, and in order to serve you better. When appropriate, Alphadoc may also use the Personal Data separately or in combination with pre-existing information.By voluntarily submitting your Personal Data, you consent to the collection and use of your Personal Data as described in this Privacy Policy. In some circumstances, Alphadoc may share Personal Data that you voluntarily submit with trustworthy business partners. We will only use such third party business partners in order to deliver services to us or on our behalf, and they are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose.Due to the existing legal, regulatory, and security environment, Alphadoc may be required, under certain circumstances, to disclose aggregate level and/or personally identifiable data submitted to Alphadoc through the Site. Alphadoc will use reasonable efforts to limit such disclosures to the following circumstances: (i) where Alphadoc believes in good faith that it is required to do so in response to a subpoena or other legal process; (ii) where reasonably required to do so in order to maintain, update or otherwise implement Alphadoc’s data security measures, equipment, technical operations and the like; (iii) where reasonably necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against persons or entities to preserve and/or enforce Alphadoc’s rights; (iv) protect and defend the rights or property of Alphadoc; or (v) in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of the public or of users of the Alphadoc products, services, and the Site.


If you review or download information, we may track the visit through the use of "cookies". You can find the cookie policy on:

Links to other websites

This Site may contain links to websites which are owned and operated by third parties and do not operate in accordance with this Privacy Policy. When you link to other websites through this Site, this Privacy Policy no longer applies. We encourage you to review each website’s privacy policy before disclosing any personally identifiable information. Alphadoc is not responsible for the privacy practices of such third party websites.

Choices Regarding Use of Personal Information

Upon voluntarily providing your Personal Data to Alphadoc through this Site, Alphadoc will use your Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Should you at any time decide that you do not want to continue to receive electronic communications, you will have the ability to unsubscribe or “opt out” from such communications by means of a link provided in each such communication, or if not provided therein, by sending an email or contacting us at the contact details provided in this Privacy Policy.

This section D applies to the processing of all Personal Data (including both Your Personal Data and Business Data) by Alphadoc.

Support in the case of termination of the Agreement

If the Agreement is terminated, you have the possibility only for certain Alphadoc Services to download all Data up to the last day of the Agreement.

Data protection legislation

Protecting the privacy and security of Personal Data is of the highest importance to us, and we are committed to compliance with all applicable country-specific data protection laws that apply to the Alphadoc Services and processing of your Data, as agreed upon in the Agreement.

Law enforcement requests

We will not disclose Personal Data to a third party (including law enforcement, other government entities or civil litigants) except as described in this Privacy Policy and above under “Sub-processors”, as you direct us or as required by law, an ordinance, or a court order.


Alphadoc shall treat all Personal Data as strictly confidential and shall inform all its employees, agents and/or subprocessors engaged in processing the Personal Data of the confidential nature of such Personal Data. Alphadoc shall ensure that all such persons or parties are bound by similar confidentiality obligations.

Security measures to protect Personal Data

Alphadoc shall take technical and organizational measures for the security of the processing of the Personal Data. These measures shall include, but not be limited to:

1. the prevention of unauthorized persons from gaining access to data processing systems (physical access control);

2. the prevention of processing systems from being used without authorization (logical access control);

3. ensuring that persons entitled to use a data processing system gain access only to such Personal Data as they are entitled to accessing in accordance with their access rights, and that, in the course of processing or use and after storage, Personal Data cannot be read, copied, modified or deleted without authorization (Data access control);

4. ensuring that Personal Data cannot be read, copied, modified or deleted without authorization during electronic transmission, transport or storage on storage media, and that the target entities for any transfer of Personal Data by means of Personal Data transmission facilities can be established and verified (Data transfer control);

5. ensuring that measures are implemented for subsequent checking whether Personal Data have been entered, changed or removed (deleted), and by whom (input control);

6. ensuring that Personal Data are processed solely in accordance with the instructions (control of instructions);

7. ensuring that Personal Data are protected against accidental destruction or loss (availability control);

8. ensuring that Personal Data collected for different purposes can be processed separately (separation control).

The internet is in itself not a secure environment and we cannot give an absolute assurance that your Data will be secure at all times. Transferring Personal Data over the internet is at your own risk and you should only enter the Alphadoc Services or transfer Personal Data to and within the Alphadoc Services by using a secure environment. Alphadoc strongly advices you to connect to the Alphadoc Services via secure and encrypted channels.

Despite the above mentioned measures, you are solely responsible for implementing appropriate security measures for Personal Data processed when using the Alphadoc Services in accordance with data protection laws applicable to them.


We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy. Any amendments to this Privacy Policy are effective upon posting at this website and we will revise the “last updated” date at the top of this Privacy Policy. You should check this website and our customer portals frequently to see recent amendments. Your continued use of the Alphadoc Services will be deemed as acceptance of any amended Privacy Policy.


If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about how we handle the processing of Personal Data or about this Privacy Policy you can contact us via the contact details further below. Dependent of the nature of your question, concern or complaint we will provide you with an initial response within a reasonable time. We will only take your question, concern or complaint in consideration if all relevant details are included. In addition to this initial response, we will give maximum effort to investigate and attempt to resolve your question, concern or complaint within 30 business days or such longer period as is necessary and notified to you. Should you have unresolved concerns you have the right to file a complaint with your local data protection authority.

Contact Us
Name: Job Rietbergen
Title: CEO

Alphadoc B.V., a company registered in The Netherlands with registered number 85680222 whose registered office is at Knopstraat 50, 3551 ET Utrecht, The Netherlands ("Alphadoc"), understands the importance of protecting and safeguarding your privacy and the security of your business data when you use our services ("Alphadoc Services").

When we refer to personal data in this Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy"), we mean any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person: an identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity (“Personal Data“). When we refer to data we mean any type of data that is stored, used and processed when using Alphadoc Services (“Data“). Personal Data is contained within Data. A reference to "Alphadoc" in this Privacy Policy has the meaning given to it in the Agreement (the “Agreement” is defined below under section A).

This Privacy Policy distinguishes between two kinds of Personal Data:

• Personal Data that we process to be able to provide you with your Alphadoc Services and for our own business purposes (“Your Personal Data”); and

• Personal Data that we process solely on your behalf as part of the Alphadoc Services (“Business Data”).

This Privacy Policy tells you under which conditions we process Personal Data and what measure we have implemented to protect Personal Data.


This Privacy Policy applies solely to Alphadoc Services offered by Alphadoc that refers to or incorporate this Privacy Policy, but excludes services that have separate privacy policies or don’t have any privacy policies. Alphadoc Services may enable you to purchase, subscribe to or use other products and online services from third parties with different privacy practices, and those other products and online services will be governed by their respective terms and conditions and policies. Furthermore, this Privacy Policy does not apply to any other services offered by other companies or individuals, including products or sites that may be displayed to you in search results, sites that may include Alphadoc Services, or other sites linked to our services. Alphadoc’s website and other public websites associated with our services and products are also governed by this Privacy Policy.


This section A applies only to the processing of Your Personal Data and not to Business Data. Alphadoc is the data controller with regard to the processing of Your Personal Data.

Your Personal Data in the Alphadoc Services
Before purchasing, registering to or using the Alphadoc Services you should read the respective agreement and terms and conditions for those Alphadoc Services (together: the "Agreement") carefully, which describe in general your and Alphadoc’s rights regarding the collection and use of Your Personal Data. In order to deliver the Alphadoc Services to you we collect, store, use and process Your Personal Data as further described in this Privacy Policy and the Agreement.

After entering into the respective Agreement for the Alphadoc Services, you can always choose not to provide Your Personal Data to Alphadoc. In this event Alphadoc can’t guarantee to perform the Alphadoc Services to you as stated in the Agreement due to the fact that you might need to provide us Your Personal Data to be able to provide you with all the different functionalities of the Alphadoc Services.

Which Data does Alphadoc collect and for what purpose is it used?

Your Personal Data is collected through multiple channels. We collect Your Personal Data when you register to the Alphadoc Services, purchase or use the Alphadoc Services and contact our support team. This may include Personal Data that has been provided to us by a reseller of the Alphadoc Services, or Personal Data that we have been provided with by your employer, for example to set up your account. Your Personal Data is classified in the following categories:

• Contact Data: When you register to the Alphadoc Services it may be required to provide us with your contact Data such as your name, email address, and telephone number. We use your contact Data to establish and fulfil our contract with you and to communicate with you, such as sending you service related messages. In addition, we may use your Contact Data to send you direct marketing communications in relation to other products and services provided by us. Where required, these will be sent where you have given your consent, or (where permissible) when you have been given an opportunity to opt out. You will be able to opt-out of electronic direct marketing by following the instructions in the respective communication.

• Communication Data: We log your IP-address, unique device-ID and may assign other electronic identifiers in order to properly deliver the Alphadoc Services or for security purposes;

• Support Data: In the event you submit a support request we may need to collect the relevant Support Data to fulfill your support request. This Support Data can consist of contact or authentication Data and chat session personalization or any other Data which we need to solve your support request. For some Services we may register usage data to assist us with your support request;

• Payment Data: To complete the financial transactions we might need you to provide us with your bank details, organizational tax ID or any other relevant Data;

• Usage Data: We may record statistical information about your use of the Alphadoc Services to enable our business and pursue our legitimate interests, in particular to improve the user experience, to identify performance issues or other service malfunctions;
• Cookies: Alphadoc uses cookies to deliver the Alphadoc Services and for other purposes detailed in the cookie policy. You can find the cookie policy on:

In addition to the purposes mentioned above, we use Your Personal Data for compliance with applicable laws and protection of Alphadoc’s legitimate business interests and legal rights, including, but not limited to, use in connection with legal claims, compliance, regulatory, investigative purposes (including disclosure of such information in connection with legal process or litigation).

Sharing and transfer of Your Personal Data

We may provide Your Personal Data to partners, suppliers and to other organisations that provide services under contract with us, for example for our customer support, to provide technical assistance, for troubleshooting purposes or to comply with legal requirements. Such third parties may include security vendors, app-center partners, help desk providers and other processors.

Your Personal Data will not be transferred to countries outside of the European Economic Area ("EEA").

Retention of Your Personal Data

Alphadoc will keep Your Personal Data for the duration of any contractual relationship you or your employer has with us, and, to the extent permitted, after the end of that relationship for as long as necessary to perform the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. Your Business Data will be kept for the periods indicated under Section B below. Laws may require Alphadoc to hold certain Personal Data for specific periods. For example, payment transactions in relation to the Alphadoc Services you use are retained for seven years based on applicable tax legislation. In other cases, Alphadoc may retain Your Personal Data for an appropriate period of seven years after any relationship with you ends to protect itself from legal claims, or to administer its business.

Your Rights in relation to Your Personal Data

You may be entitled to ask Alpadoc for a copy of Your Personal Data, to correct it, erase or restrict its processing, or to ask us to transfer some of Your Personal Data to other organisations. You may also have rights to object to some processing activities, and where we have asked for your consent to process your data, you have the right to withdraw this consent. Our commercial messages (such as our newsletters) contain unsubscribe links or similar ways to opt out from these messages.

These rights may be limited in some situations – for example, where we can demonstrate that there is a legal requirement to process your data. If you wish to exercise your rights you can contact us in writing via the contact details in this Privacy Policy.

This section B applies only to the processing of Business Data and not to Your Personal Data. You are the data controller for the processing of your Business Data. As you are controller for the processing of the Business Data, Alphadoc is not responsible for the lawfulness of the data processing we perform on your behalf. The responsibilities and liabilities for Business Data are set out in the Agreement. In case of conflict with any stipulation in the Agreement, this Section B shall prevail.

Looking into and using your Business Data

Our personnel may access your Business Data (such as customer support or consulting), only if this is necessary to operate the Alphadocs Services, to improve, to analyze or to support your use of the Alphadoc Services.

How you manage the access and use of your Business Data

The user management of the Alphadoc Services, including providing access and granting and revoking of permissions within your area of the Alphadoc Services, is your own responsibility. The Alphadoc Services may provide certain functionalities for creating and deactivating users and setting permissions to ensure support of segregation of duties. Log-in details are personal to the individual user and must not be shared with other users.

Retention, removal and retrieval of Business Data

All Business Data entered in the Alphadoc Services will be stored and retained for the duration of the Agreement. After termination of the Agreement the Business Data will be no longer accessible to you. Depending on your Alphadoc Services, your Business Data may be retained for an additional grace period. This grace period varies depending on your Alphadoc Services between 30 days and 6 months. During the grace period the contract can be re-activated without losing Business Data. After the grace period the Business Data will be permanently removed from storage. For the avoidance of doubt, we have no such retention or storage obligations in relation to any Business Data you store 'on premise' while using the Alphadoc Services.


You consent to Alphadoc hiring sub-processors to deliver (parts of) the Alphadoc Services and to process your Business Data. Such sub-processors are prohibited from using Personal Data for any other purpose than stated in the Agreement and Alphadoc contractually ensures that the sub-processors and their employees will maintain confidentiality regarding the Personal Data and will comply with the necessary instructions and security measures as determined in this Privacy Policy.

Location of Business Data

Depending on the Alphadoc Services you have requested, your Business Data may be stored on servers of our subprocessors, which are located in different datacenters. By entering into the Agreement, you consent to your Business Data being stored on the servers of our sub-processors. The datacenters/servers for storage purposes are located at: [**].

Security breaches

To protect Business Data from unauthorized access, use, modification or accidental loss and destruction, Alphadoc has taken technical and organizational measures for the security of the processing of your Business Data (see section D). Should any security breach occur that impacts Business Data you will be notified without undue delay once the breach has been determined. The term “security breach” shall be understood to mean: any breach of the security measures as set out in the header ”Security measures to protect Personal Data” in section D leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, Business Data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.

Once we notify you of any security breach we shall cooperate with you with regard to such incidents, to enable you to perform an investigation into the incident. To the extent such security breach was caused by a violation of the requirements of the Agreement and/or this Privacy Policy by us, we shall make reasonable efforts to identify and to take suitable further steps in respect of the security breach.

Any notifications pursuant to the event of a security breach shall be addressed to your contact person as stated in the Agreement.


This section tells you about the information Alphadoc may collect on this website, how the information is used, and how you can access and correct certain information that we may collect.

If you as a visitor choose to register or submit information to Alphadoc via this website (the “Site”), you agree to the use of such data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Collection of Your Personal Data

You can access many areas of our Site without submitting any personally identifiable data. You may voluntarily choose to provide Alphadoc with identifiable personal data by completing forms, sending emails, or other means as may be provided from time to time on the Site. The personally identifiable data that we would collect from you if you so choose would typically include your name and title, email address, mailing address, telephone, social media details and information about your company. In addition to information that you voluntarily submit, Alphadoc may, at its option, collect additional information about you from third party sources. Personal data collected by Alphadoc will be as reasonably necessary to fulfil your requests and to provide the most relevant, targeted offers and information from Alphadoc. All such information collected shall be referred to herein as “Personal Data”.Furthermore, Alphadoc monitors incoming and outgoing Site traffic data to help diagnose problems with its servers and to administer its Site. Alphadoc also uses this data to assemble broad demographic information about its visitors, customers, and partners in general.The following is a list of examples where you may choose to specifically and voluntarily submit Personal Data to Alphadoc through this Site, which Alphadoc may use for each purpose indicated at the time of your submission:

o Register for access to certain areas of the Site;

o Request access to demos;

o Contact us for further information about products, services, events, and programs or to submit questions or comments to Alphadoc;

o Subscribe to receive newsletters, information, alerts, offers, and other communications;

o Submit a resume and/or job application for possible employment with Alphadoc;

o Register for attendance or sponsorship at events, webinars and conferences.

Use of Your Personal Data

Alphadoc uses Personal Data submitted through the Site to provide a way for customers, partners, customer and partner prospects, and other contacts to communicate with our team. Alphadoc collects the Personal Data from you in order to establish and maintain relationships, and in order to serve you better. When appropriate, Alphadoc may also use the Personal Data separately or in combination with pre-existing information.By voluntarily submitting your Personal Data, you consent to the collection and use of your Personal Data as described in this Privacy Policy. In some circumstances, Alphadoc may share Personal Data that you voluntarily submit with trustworthy business partners. We will only use such third party business partners in order to deliver services to us or on our behalf, and they are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose.Due to the existing legal, regulatory, and security environment, Alphadoc may be required, under certain circumstances, to disclose aggregate level and/or personally identifiable data submitted to Alphadoc through the Site. Alphadoc will use reasonable efforts to limit such disclosures to the following circumstances: (i) where Alphadoc believes in good faith that it is required to do so in response to a subpoena or other legal process; (ii) where reasonably required to do so in order to maintain, update or otherwise implement Alphadoc’s data security measures, equipment, technical operations and the like; (iii) where reasonably necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against persons or entities to preserve and/or enforce Alphadoc’s rights; (iv) protect and defend the rights or property of Alphadoc; or (v) in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of the public or of users of the Alphadoc products, services, and the Site.


If you review or download information, we may track the visit through the use of "cookies". You can find the cookie policy on:

Links to other websites

This Site may contain links to websites which are owned and operated by third parties and do not operate in accordance with this Privacy Policy. When you link to other websites through this Site, this Privacy Policy no longer applies. We encourage you to review each website’s privacy policy before disclosing any personally identifiable information. Alphadoc is not responsible for the privacy practices of such third party websites.

Choices Regarding Use of Personal Information

Upon voluntarily providing your Personal Data to Alphadoc through this Site, Alphadoc will use your Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Should you at any time decide that you do not want to continue to receive electronic communications, you will have the ability to unsubscribe or “opt out” from such communications by means of a link provided in each such communication, or if not provided therein, by sending an email or contacting us at the contact details provided in this Privacy Policy.

This section D applies to the processing of all Personal Data (including both Your Personal Data and Business Data) by Alphadoc.

Support in the case of termination of the Agreement

If the Agreement is terminated, you have the possibility only for certain Alphadoc Services to download all Data up to the last day of the Agreement.

Data protection legislation

Protecting the privacy and security of Personal Data is of the highest importance to us, and we are committed to compliance with all applicable country-specific data protection laws that apply to the Alphadoc Services and processing of your Data, as agreed upon in the Agreement.

Law enforcement requests

We will not disclose Personal Data to a third party (including law enforcement, other government entities or civil litigants) except as described in this Privacy Policy and above under “Sub-processors”, as you direct us or as required by law, an ordinance, or a court order.


Alphadoc shall treat all Personal Data as strictly confidential and shall inform all its employees, agents and/or subprocessors engaged in processing the Personal Data of the confidential nature of such Personal Data. Alphadoc shall ensure that all such persons or parties are bound by similar confidentiality obligations.

Security measures to protect Personal Data

Alphadoc shall take technical and organizational measures for the security of the processing of the Personal Data. These measures shall include, but not be limited to:

1. the prevention of unauthorized persons from gaining access to data processing systems (physical access control);

2. the prevention of processing systems from being used without authorization (logical access control);

3. ensuring that persons entitled to use a data processing system gain access only to such Personal Data as they are entitled to accessing in accordance with their access rights, and that, in the course of processing or use and after storage, Personal Data cannot be read, copied, modified or deleted without authorization (Data access control);

4. ensuring that Personal Data cannot be read, copied, modified or deleted without authorization during electronic transmission, transport or storage on storage media, and that the target entities for any transfer of Personal Data by means of Personal Data transmission facilities can be established and verified (Data transfer control);

5. ensuring that measures are implemented for subsequent checking whether Personal Data have been entered, changed or removed (deleted), and by whom (input control);

6. ensuring that Personal Data are processed solely in accordance with the instructions (control of instructions);

7. ensuring that Personal Data are protected against accidental destruction or loss (availability control);

8. ensuring that Personal Data collected for different purposes can be processed separately (separation control).

The internet is in itself not a secure environment and we cannot give an absolute assurance that your Data will be secure at all times. Transferring Personal Data over the internet is at your own risk and you should only enter the Alphadoc Services or transfer Personal Data to and within the Alphadoc Services by using a secure environment. Alphadoc strongly advices you to connect to the Alphadoc Services via secure and encrypted channels.

Despite the above mentioned measures, you are solely responsible for implementing appropriate security measures for Personal Data processed when using the Alphadoc Services in accordance with data protection laws applicable to them.


We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy. Any amendments to this Privacy Policy are effective upon posting at this website and we will revise the “last updated” date at the top of this Privacy Policy. You should check this website and our customer portals frequently to see recent amendments. Your continued use of the Alphadoc Services will be deemed as acceptance of any amended Privacy Policy.


If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about how we handle the processing of Personal Data or about this Privacy Policy you can contact us via the contact details further below. Dependent of the nature of your question, concern or complaint we will provide you with an initial response within a reasonable time. We will only take your question, concern or complaint in consideration if all relevant details are included. In addition to this initial response, we will give maximum effort to investigate and attempt to resolve your question, concern or complaint within 30 business days or such longer period as is necessary and notified to you. Should you have unresolved concerns you have the right to file a complaint with your local data protection authority.

Contact Us
Name: Job Rietbergen
Title: CEO

Early stage AI company with a mission to build the most powerful AI tools for GTM functions. Backed by Firestreak Ventures and leading industry experts.

Onjo AI — All Rights Reserved

Early stage AI company with a mission to build the most powerful AI tools for GTM functions. Backed by Firestreak Ventures and leading industry experts.

Onjo AI — All Rights Reserved

Early stage AI company with a mission to build the most powerful AI tools for GTM functions. Backed by Firestreak Ventures and leading industry experts.

Onjo AI — All Rights Reserved